MB1 (February 2023 models onwards) Calibration procedure
Models Covered
This procedure applies only to MB1 samplers fitted with A-00647 circuit board with keypad control calibration adjustment. For older sampler models with a screw adjustment, then follow the procedure applicable to those models.
To adjust the MB1 to HiFlow, keep increasing the blower voltage level until the higher flow is reached. The MB1 software will recognise the higher voltage and automatically change its sample timing parameters to suit.
By default, the flow rate is pre-set to approximately what is needed for a 100 lpm flow rate.
Insert battery pack or, if option fitted, the external power supply.
Fit Petri dish or contact plate as appropriate.
Fit required sampling head.
Clamp on qCR rig and switch qCR on.
FOR RECALIBRATION: Press and hold all four buttons and hold until ‘-c.r-’ appears. Then release buttons and 'Cal?' should appear on screen.
FOR NEW UNIT: Switch on with any button, 'Cal?' will appear on screen with the blower voltage.
Press START to commence air flow or CANCEL to quit calibration mode.
Press + to increase blower voltage / flow rate. A single press increases by 0.01V, holding the button down will increase in steps of 0.1V.
Press - to decrease blower voltage / flow rate. A single press decreases by 0.01V, holding the button down will decrease in steps of 0.1V.
When qCR reads what is required calibration velocity begin recording measurements on calibration certificate in accordance with WI422 Air Sampler Calibration Using Qualisair qCR Calibration Kit.
When finished the calibration setting can be stored by pressing START, but first record voltage on the calibration spreadsheet. The sampler will switch off.
Or press CANCEL / STOP to quit without saving.
The calibration setting is stored in non-volatile memory.
Issues and Errors
During calibration, be that initial factory set-up to routine calibration, MicroBio MB1 may report errors. These will be displayed on the screen as “Err.0” to “Err.9”, as in the table below:
Error Code |
DIsplay |
Meaning |
0 |
CRC error when recalling settings |
1 |
Blower start error - Potential drive failure |
2 |
Blower stop error - Potential drive failure |
3 |
Calibration value error, backup restored |
4 |
Failed to initialise blower drive |
5 |
Failed to set blower voltage |
Error 0:
This can occur if power is removed from the MB1 as it is saving data to its non volatile memory. The sampler will automatically recover from this and retrieve the last good calibration setting. Calibration will need to be repeated. This is rare and can happen if the sampler being powered from depleted low quality AA cells that are unable to support the electrical load during writes to non-volatile memory. It is possible it may occur with a software crash, though this has never been detected.
Error 3:
This will only occur on factory new MB1 samplers when power was removed from the circuit board as it was initialising calibration settings on its very first automatic switch off. It should never occur in routine calibration. It is caused by a human error in not waiting for the display to show “Off.” and go blank before disconnecting from the circuit board test jig.
If the display shows this error when switching on after a calibration, remove the power (i.e. remove a cell or external DC power), wait a few seconds then put back the cell or external power. Switch on the sampler and repeat calibration, then allowing the sampler to switch off automatically. Switch on and ensure the sampler displays 100, the default sample volume. If it does not, repeat the process.
Other errors
If the above issues do not resolve to for all other errors, please report to Cantium Scientific Limited via the online support portal.
Source information for error code on MicroBio MB1