The network section defines the shipping lanes for the distribution of study drugs from depots to sites. Thereby, source depots are specified as defined in the Network table, while destination sites are specified as regions that are associated with site groups and sites as defined in the Site Groups table.
It is not mandatory to define a network. If no network is defined, 4C Supply® will create a default depot and a default region that contains all site groups. 4C Supply® will apply 7 days lead time to ship to all sites.
Network Table
Example Network table
Master Data |
Depot code |
Depot patient cap |
Region code |
Lead time |
Short Window |
Region patient cap |
Shipment Type Code |
Shipment Cost |
Shipment Emission |
Depot USA |
8 |
12 |
40 |
Ambient |
20 |
120 |
Depot EUR |
8 |
12 |
80 |
Ambient |
12 |
80 |
Depot SGP |
12 |
16 |
35 |
Ambient |
15 |
90 |
Columns in red are mandatory.
Master Data
Defines master data to be used for a given row. A valid MD item description must be entered in order for master data to be loaded and interpreted. See Master Data Rules.
See Site Shipping Lanes Master Data
Depot code
Defines the source depot of a shipping lane.
Depot code is a mandatory entry. If no depot code is entered, no error will be raised, but the shipping lane specification will be ignored.
Must match a depot code defined in the Depot table.
In forecast calculations with RTSM data extract, the depot associated with a region in 4C Supply® is the depot which is assumed to supply that region in the forecast calculation. If there is a mismatch between 4C Supply® and the RTSM regarding the association of depot to regions, demand and supply are forecasted in a different distribution than is the case in reality and depot overages may be calculated incorrectly.
Depot patient cap
Defines the maximum patients allowed to enroll at sites in regions supplied by a depot.
In forecast calculations with RTSM data extract, the patient cap specified for a depot in 4C Supply® is the overall patient enrollment cap of the corresponding depot which will be considered in the forecast calculation. This means that existing patients in the RTSM data extract and patients forecasted by 4C Supply® to be enrolled both contribute to reaching the patient cap for a depot. If the number of patients enrolled in a depot region in the RTSM data extract is higher than the corresponding depot patient cap specified 4C Supply®, then no further patients will be forecasted to enroll in that depot region in the forecast calculation.
Region code
Defines the destination region of a shipping lane.
The region code specification in the Network table is the primary specification of regions for use in other tables (e.g. Site Groups Table and Label Group Table).
Region code is a mandatory entry. If no region code is entered, no error will be raised, but the shipping lane specification is ignored.
In forecast calculations with RTSM data extract, each region code specified in 4C Supply® must map correctly to the corresponding region in the RTSM. This can be verified in RTSM data extract mapping report.
In forecast calculations with RTSM data extract, the region associated with a depot in 4C Supply® is the region which is assumed to be supplied by that depot in the forecast calculation. If there is a mismatch between 4C Supply® and the RTSM regarding the association of regions to depots, demand and supply are forecasted in a different distribution than is the case in reality and depot overages may be calculated incorrectly.
Lead time
Defines the maximum number of days a site shipment is expected to be in transit in a shipping lane.
This should entered as the maximum lead time from depot to site, including weekend scenarios. This means lead time is set in calendar days, Not business days.
Site shipment lead time is a mandatory entry and must be greater than 0.
In forecast calculations with RTSM data extract, the lead time specified for a region in 4C Supply® is the lead time which will be considered in the forecast calculation.
If the lead time in 4C Supply® is greater than in the RTSM, demand at depots will be assumed to occur earlier than is the case in reality, potentially causing new batches to be planned earlier than needed.
If the lead time in 4C Supply® is less than in the RTSM, demand at depots will be assumed to occur later than is the case in reality, potentially causing new batches and depot shipments to be planned later than needed.
Short Window
Defines the number of days to be used in the Resupply calculation to determine if a resupply shipment is required for a site. If a Short Window is not defined, the Lead Days will be used in the Resupply Calculations.
If the Short Window is defined, the value must be greater than the Lead Days value. If the Short Window is less than the specified corresponding shipment lead time, a warning message is shown.
Region patient cap
Defines the maximum patients allowed to enroll at sites in a region.
Must be an integer. If an invalid entry is made, no error is shown, but the specification is ignored.
Must be a single integer. If an invalid entry is made, a warning message is shown.
In forecast calculations with RTSM data extract, the patient cap specified for a region in 4C Supply® is the overall patient enrollment cap of the corresponding region. This means that existing patients in the RTSM extract and patients forecasted by 4C Supply® to be enrolled both contribute to reaching the patient cap for a region. If the number of patients enrolled in a region in the RTSM extract is higher than the corresponding region patient cap specified 4C Supply®, then no further patients will be forecasted to enroll in that region in the forecast calculation.
Shipment Type Code
The Shipment Type Code should match the Shipment Type Codes defined in the Dispensing Units Table.
Shipment Cost
The Shipment Cost is an optional field that can be used to detail the cost of different shipment types per network shipping lane.
Note, if the shipment cost is defined in the Network table but also defined in either a Shipment Types table or a Dispensing Units table, a warning message will be displayed explaining that the Network table value(s) will be used.
Shipment Emission
The Shipment Emission is an optional field that can be used to specify the emissions associated with shipment types and network shipping lanes. There is no unit prescribed to this value and when viewed in the forecast output, it is given as a CO2 value.
Note: If the shipment emission value is defined in the Network table but also defined in the Shipment Types table, a warning message will be displayed explaining that the Network table value(s) will be used.