The depot section is what builds the depot supply network in the scenario specification. It is not mandatory to define depots; however, it is best practice to do so. If no depots are defined, 4C Supply® will create a default depot that supplies all regions.
Note: The ‘root node’ depot, which is a depot without another depot supplying it, can be identified via the interpreter log which displays the following message:
Following depots are defined as network root (without supplier): [depot code]
Depot table
Example Depot table
Master Data |
Depot code |
Supplier code |
Lead time [days] |
Short Window |
Depot prediction window |
Shipment Type Code |
Shipment Cost |
Shipment Emission |
UK_Depot |
90 |
US_Depot |
UK_Depot |
35 |
120 |
Ambient |
11 |
540 |
EU_Depot |
UK_Depot |
20 |
120 |
Ambient |
12 |
600 |
ISR_Depot |
EU_Depot |
60 |
120 |
Ambient |
10 |
495 |
Columns in red are mandatory. In this example, the ‘UK_Depot’ is the root node depot as no supplier is defined.
Master Data
Defines the master data to be used for a given row. A valid MD item description must be entered in order for master data to be loaded and interpreted. See Depot Shipping Lanes Master Data.
Depot code
Defines the identifier of a depot for use in other tables.
Depot code is a mandatory entry for each depot. If no depot code is entered for a depot, an interpretation error message is shown.
Depot codes must be unique. If a depot code is entered more than once, no error will be shown, but the duplicate entry will be ignored.
In forecast calculations with RTSM data extract, each depot code specified in 4C Supply® must map correctly to the corresponding depot in the RTSM. This can be verified in the RTSM data extract mapping report.
Defines where inbound depot shipments are dispatched from. If a row contains a Depot Code but no Supplier, that depot is considered a root node depot.
Must match another depot code.
If the specified supplier code does not match an existing depot code, 4C Supply® assumes that the supplier is a root node.
If multiple release locations are specified, then each release location must be a root node.
In forecast calculations with RTSM data extract, each supplier specified in 4C Supply® must map correctly to the corresponding supplier in the RTSM. This can be verified in the RTSM data extract mapping report.
If there is a mismatch between 4C Supply® and the RTSM regarding the association of suppliers to depots, demand and supply are forecasted in a different distribution than is the case in reality and depot overages may be calculated incorrectly.
Lead time
Defines the maximum number of days an inbound depot shipment is expected to take to reach a depot.
Must be an integer. If an invalid entry is made an interpretation error is shown.
Must be a single value. If an invalid entry is made an interpretation error is shown.
When a lead time is specified at a root node depot (i.e., a depot with no supplier defined), this defines the lead time from the production facility to the depot. The production facility does not need to be defined, all root node depots are assumed to be supplied by a production facility. If no lead time is defined, this value defaults to zero. This value impacts production timing and production quantities.
In forecast calculations with RTSM data extract, the lead time specified for a depot in 4C Supply® is the depot shipment lead time that will be considered in the forecast calculation.
If the lead time in 4C Supply® is greater than in the RTSM, demand at suppliers will be assumed to occur earlier than is the case in reality, potentially causing new batches to be planned earlier than needed.
If the lead time in 4C Supply® is less than in the RTSM, demand at suppliers will be assumed to occur later than is the case in reality, potentially causing new batches and depot shipments to be planned later than needed.
Note: Expected delays for e.g. customs clearance should be considered as part of the lead time.
Short Window
If a short window is defined, this is used in the forecast calculation as the resupply triggers instead of the shipment lead time.
Depot prediction window
Defines the forecast configuration for the depot group prediction window for a depot. This can also be set in the Supply Configuration Tab of the Calculation page. Note: Also known as the Depot Long Window.
Shipment Type Code
The Shipment Type Code is an optional field, if used it must match a Shipment Type Code defined in the Dispensing Units table or in the Shipment Types table.
Shipment Cost
The Shipment Cost is an optional field that can be used to detail the cost of different shipment types per depot shipping lane.
Note: If the shipment cost is defined in the Depot table but also defined in either a Shipment Types table or a Dispensing Units table, a warning message will be displayed explaining that the Depot table value(s) will be used.
Shipment Emission
The Shipment Emission is an optional field that can be used to specify the emissions associated with shipment types and depot shipping lanes. There is no unit prescribed to this value and when viewed in the forecast output, it is given as a CO2 value.
Note: If the shipment emission value is defined in the Depot table but also defined in the Shipment Types table, a warning message will be displayed explaining that the Depot table value(s) will be used.